‘Make Trade, Not War’ is China’s Daring Plan in the Middle East

‘Make Trade, Not War’ is China’s Daring Plan in the Middle East

China’s “Go West” strategy was brought into sharp focus at a forum in Shanghai last weekend. Billed as the Belt and Road Initiative: Towards Greater Cooperation between China and the Middle East, it highlighted key aspects of Beijing’s wider plan. The New Silk Roads, or the Belt and Road Initiative, involve six key economic corridors,…

Trump’s Art of the Cheat

Trump’s Art of the Cheat

Donald Trump officially became the 45th US president exactly a year ago this weekend following his inauguration ceremony. During his inaugural address, he promised to “make America great again” and to give power back to the ordinary “forgotten people” of his country. One year on, however, it seems clear that the American people have been…

Tweeting While Rome Burns: The World According to Trump

Tweeting While Rome Burns: The World According to Trump

As 2017 ended with billionaires toasting their tax cuts and energy executives cheering their unfettered access to federal lands as well as coastal waters, there was one sector of the American elite that did not share in the champagne celebration: Washington’s corps of foreign policy experts. Across the political spectrum, many of them felt a…

Putin Heaps Praise on Kim Jong-un Whom He Sanctioned Last Month to Accommodate US Imperialists

Putin Heaps Praise on Kim Jong-un Whom He Sanctioned Last Month to Accommodate US Imperialists

Last week Russian president heaped praise on Kim Jong-un explaining that the “shrewd and mature” North Korean leader has so far outmaneuvered America’s Trump: “I think that Kim Jong Un has obviously won this round. He has achieved his strategic goal. He has a nuclear warhead, and now he also has a missile with a global range of up to 13,000 kilometres,…

Who and What Will AI Serve? US and China Give Very Different Answers

Who and What Will AI Serve? US and China Give Very Different Answers

Speaking to a group of students in September, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a bold proclamation. “Artificial intelligence is the future,” he said, stating that this is a fact “not only for Russia but for all humankind. It comes with colossal opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to predict. Whoever becomes the leader in…