The Pinnacle of the Pyramid of Wealth and Power: the Buck Stops Here

The Pinnacle of the Pyramid of Wealth and Power: the Buck Stops Here

While putting together an analysis of the shareholders of some of the most strategic and lucrative sectors of the Australian economy several years ago I discovered that almost all of them are substantially or majority-owned and completely controlled by just four financial entities: JP Morgan, Citibank, HSBC and National Nominees (I suspect that National Nominees…

Jeff Bezos, founder and chief executive officer of Amazon, poses as he stands atop a supply truck during a photo opportunity at the premises of a shopping mall in the southern Indian city of Bangalore © Abhishek N. Chinnappa / Reuters

Companies That Have More Money Than Entire Countries

The annual revenues of some corporations are so colossal that they dwarf the economies of many countries across the globe. However, the world’s most profitable and successful businesses do not always have stellar reputations. WALMART US retailer Walmart, with revenue of $486 billion in 2017, out-earned the sixth-largest economy in the euro zone – Belgium…

Governments are Corporations

Governments are Corporations

The Gold Standard Will Break up the Banking Cartel Power corrupts Nothing ruins people faster than getting too much money with little to no effort. Few bank robbers, lottery winners, or sports stars can resist the temptation of extravagance, luxury, and excess. In just a few years’ time, they’re often broke. Entire nations have succumbed…