Jeff Bezos, founder and chief executive officer of Amazon, poses as he stands atop a supply truck during a photo opportunity at the premises of a shopping mall in the southern Indian city of Bangalore © Abhishek N. Chinnappa / Reuters

World’s Top 5 ‘Most Evil’ Corporations

Most companies become successful thanks to their stellar reputations. But not always. RT Business scraped the bottom of the barrel to find the most hated companies trending on the internet. Monsanto The company that needs no introduction, creator of DDT and Agent Orange, Monsanto is one the world’s largest pesticide and GMO seed manufacturers. It…

OUTED: DuPont Covered Up the Health Risks of Teflon

OUTED: DuPont Covered Up the Health Risks of Teflon

Few things are as ubiquitous in modern kitchens as nonstick cookware; from frying pans to baking dishes and a host of other accouterments, you’d be hard-pressed to find a kitchen without something brandishing a nonstick coating. While it may seem innocuous, that’s probably because corporations like DuPont have the money, influence and power to keep the…

Is It Really True That Switzerland is the #1 Most-Corrupt Nation, & U.S. #2?

Is It Really True That Switzerland is the #1 Most-Corrupt Nation, & U.S. #2?

The Tax Justice Network produces a Financial Secrecy Index, ranking countries for the assistance their legal systems provide, to money-launderers, and to all people who seek to protect corruptly-obtained wealth. The higher the score, the more corrupt the government is. The last time this Index was published, in 2015, Switzerland was rated the world’s most-corrupt…

New Revelation: Sugar Industry Covered Up Serious Disease Link 50 Years Ago

New Revelation: Sugar Industry Covered Up Serious Disease Link 50 Years Ago

You may have heard of the sugar industry’s attempt to get dietary fat blamed for heart disease when it manipulated results to cover up sugar’s role in cardiovascular illness. There is more to the story… Last year, three researchers turned heads everywhere when they uncovered evidence that the sugar industry secretly funded studies on sugar’s…

How the Elite Dominate the World – Part 3: 90% of What You Watch on Television is Controlled by Just 6 Giant Corporations

How the Elite Dominate the World – Part 3: 90% of What You Watch on Television is Controlled by Just 6 Giant Corporations

How much is your view of the world shaped by what you see on television? On average, Americans spend more than 150 hours watching television every month, and it is called “programming” for a reason. If you allow anyone to pour ideas and information into your mind for five hours a day, it is going…

The 10 Companies that Control Almost Every Single Food and Beverage Brand

The 10 Companies that Control Almost Every Single Food and Beverage Brand

Only 10 companies control almost every large food and beverage brand in the world. In 2013, Oxfam International created a , which focused on 10 of the world’s biggest and most influential food and beverage companies. These mega-corporations are so powerful that their policies can have a major impact on the diets and working conditions of…