The Establishment Strikes Back

The Establishment Strikes Back

There are a number of elements in the recent release of an indictment of twelve named alleged Russian military intelligence GRU officers by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein looking into possible ties between Moscow and the Trump Administration that I find either implausible or even incoherent. But before considering that, it is necessary to consider the context…

Does an Elected President or an Unelected Intelligence Community Govern the US?

Does an Elected President or an Unelected Intelligence Community Govern the US?

The madness that gripped liberals and neocons within the Western political, media, and security establishments, over the sight of a US president having the temerity to treat his Russian counterpart – Vladimir Putin – as an equal rather than colonial vassal who knows his place, was and is more pronounced than anyone could have expected….

Coming Coup Against Trump

Coming Coup Against Trump

The American backlash against President Trump over his summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin has been as ferocious as it was predictable. Every possible vilification has been thrown at him. But it is the slur of Trump as “traitor” that puts this president in grave danger. Democrats, Republicans, state intelligence pundits, hawkish media, liberal media — all have launched…

After Helsinki, Democrats Incite “Deep State” Action Against Trump

After Helsinki, Democrats Incite “Deep State” Action Against Trump

Monday’s meeting in Helsinki has unleashed a torrent of wild denunciations that verge on a direct appeal to the military and intelligence agencies to take action to force Donald Trump’s removal from the White House. The Democratic Party, the corporate media and leading figures within the US military and intelligence apparatus have joined in branding…

Trump’s Trying to Save Brexit by Provoking a “Deep State” Coup Against May

Trump’s Trying to Save Brexit by Provoking a “Deep State” Coup Against May

Trump’s direct intervention in the domestic political affairs of the UK is as naked, obnoxious, and unavoidable as the Trump baby balloon that Sadiq Khan allowed to fly over the city to mock him, but unlike that highly publicized stunt, the President himself isn’t full of hot air at all but is as serious as…