It’s UN Meddling, Not Ethiopia’s Rejection Thereof, That’s a Stain on Our Conscience

It’s UN Meddling, Not Ethiopia’s Rejection Thereof, That’s a Stain on Our Conscience

The only stain on our conscience is that supposedly neutral UN humanitarian wings and Ethiopia’s alleged American ally joined forces to support an armed anti-government group in Africa’s second most populous country that’s pursuing regime change ends through what Addis Ababa regards as terrorist means. UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths dramatically described the crisis in…

The Great Nile and the Controversy Surrounding its Waters

The Great Nile and the Controversy Surrounding its Waters

After more than a month of consultations, the UNSC adopted a chairman’s statement calling for the resumption of the African Union (AU) mediation to reach “a binding agreement on the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).” The adoption of the resolution coincided with the arrival of Christophe Lutundula Apala, Minister of…

Ethiopia Made a Powerful Appeal to the US to Stop Its Hybrid War

Ethiopia Made a Powerful Appeal to the US to Stop Its Hybrid War

Prime Minister Abiy’s open letter to Biden should be seen as a powerful move in support of anti-imperialism, international law, and national sovereignty. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed published an open letter to US President Joe Biden last week appealing to him to support his country’s staunch ally in its ongoing anti-terrorist campaign. Addis Ababa…

Ethiopia at the Crossroads. Or Is It the End of the Road?

Ethiopia at the Crossroads. Or Is It the End of the Road?

In the absence of an extraordinary event in Ethiopian politics or international diplomacy, both of which appear unlikely in the current circumstances, battlefield developments will determine whether the western area of Tigray Regional State will remain under the control of the armed forces from Amhara Regional State supported by Federal military forces and Eritrea (particularly…

The TPLF’s Double-A (Afar-Amhara) Strategy Throws Addis Ababa into a Dilemma

The TPLF’s Double-A (Afar-Amhara) Strategy Throws Addis Ababa into a Dilemma

The TPLF’s “Double-A” strategy of invading both the Afar and Amhara Regions dramatically escalates Ethiopia’s undeclared civil war by throwing the capital into a dilemma whereby Addis Ababa will either have to deploy its “entire defensive capability” and “all capable Ethiopians” against the insurgents like it threatened to do or submit to their political demands…