The EU Continues to Talk Utter Baloney About Libya. But What’s the Real Reason Its Warships Are in the Eastern Mediterranean?

The EU Continues to Talk Utter Baloney About Libya. But What’s the Real Reason Its Warships Are in the Eastern Mediterranean?

It’s often said that the EU plays no role whatsoever in the conflict in Libya and takes no side. And given that Italy, being the odd man in Europe, supports the incumbent government and its ragtag coalition of soldiers and militias it employs fighting under the so-called GNA – whereas most EU countries are more…

The Geopolitical Power Balance is Tilting from West to East

The Geopolitical Power Balance is Tilting from West to East

Most global crises and disasters compel countries and people to join together to tackle the troubles they are faced with more successfully, and to build a better society and wider world. However, the response to the coronavirus pandemic that has engulfed the world has been the complete opposite so far. Many analysts including those in…

MI6 Might Become the CIA’s Proxy for Stopping Europe from Moving Towards Russia

MI6 Might Become the CIA’s Proxy for Stopping Europe from Moving Towards Russia

MI6’s shadowy role in four separate Russia-related fake news scandals in recent years strongly suggests that it’s being groomed to be the CIA’s proxy for stopping Europe from moving towards Russia once Nord Stream II is completed. *** The Looming EU-Russian “New Detente” The impending completion of the Nord Stream II pipeline between Russia and…