Essential History to Understand the Present: Obvious and Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression on Gaza by Israel

Essential History to Understand the Present: Obvious and Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression on Gaza by Israel

It’s worth ten minutes of reading to distinguish game-changing facts from constant media and “official” spin lying to justify unlawful War of Aggression by Israel on Gaza. Given the public’s general confusion, the following alternative media reporting is crucial to understand because it contrasts the lack of reporting from corporate media and US political “leadership.” This is…

Trump’s Golan Green Light Paves Way to Israel’s Annexation of West Bank

Trump’s Golan Green Light Paves Way to Israel’s Annexation of West Bank

When President Donald Trump moved the US embassy to occupied Jerusalem last year, effectively sabotaging any hope of establishing a viable Palestinian state, he tore up the international rulebook. Last week, he trampled all over its remaining tattered pages. He did so, of course, via Twitter. Referring to a large piece of territory Israel seized…

Netanyahu Misleads the Israelis: Is He Preparing an Electoral War on Lebanon?

Netanyahu Misleads the Israelis: Is He Preparing an Electoral War on Lebanon?

There is much talk in the Levant, in Syria and Lebanon, that Israel, and more precisely Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, is seriously contemplating a large-scale cross-border battle that could escalate into war to ensure his re-election. Notwithstanding his claims of a “tremendous success in “Operation Northern Shield” (ONS) launched last December, Netanyahu is sending the…