38 Out of 60 Shampoos Found to Contain Harmful Manufacturing Solvent

38 Out of 60 Shampoos Found to Contain Harmful Manufacturing Solvent

Hong Kong’s consumer watchdog has found 38 out of 60 shampoo samples it tested contained a harmful solvent used in manufacturing, with seven exceeding the limit recommended by the European Union. The Consumer Council also found 20 per cent of the shampoos contained allergy-causing preservatives, and one even tested positive for a heavy metal. But…

What Parents Should Know about EMFs and Wi-Fi

What Parents Should Know about EMFs and Wi-Fi

EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) and RFs (radio frequencies) contribute to Electrosmog; both frequencies affect and compromise the human organism, especially children’s. I’ve been a consumer health researcher since the late 1970s. I was one of the few healthcare professionals to learn and to be concerned about vaccine adverse events in the 1980s, since either doctors I…

The Hidden Toxins in Your Clothing

The Hidden Toxins in Your Clothing

Increased consumer awareness around the dangers of synthetic dyes, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and phthalates in conventional clothing is fueling a drastic revolution in the fashion industry and popular clothing stores, like H&M, Levi’s, and the Gap, are beginning to turn their attention toward producing healthier and more environmentally-friendly clothing. [1] How Clothing is Made with…

Eating Dates Produces Powerful Health Benefits, Religion and Science Agree

Eating Dates Produces Powerful Health Benefits, Religion and Science Agree

Since biblical times, dates were to believed to possess profound healing properties, but only now is science catching up to confirm our distant ancestors knew exactly what they were talking about.  If you go by the Nutrition Facts panel of an ordinary package of dates, they look more like sugar bombs than a healthy snack….