The Strategic Significance of the Syrian Elections

The Strategic Significance of the Syrian Elections

Syria’s presidential elections signify the country’s victory in the decade-long Hybrid War of Terror and will help it transition towards its inevitable post-war future. The Hybrid War of Terror on Syria isn’t yet fully over, but the country’s presidential elections nevertheless signify its victory. The entire purpose of that campaign was to forcefully remove President…

‘Chinese Disinformation’ Is Real, But It’s Not What Many People Thought

‘Chinese Disinformation’ Is Real, But It’s Not What Many People Thought

The “Guo media network” is only “Chinese” in the sense of its founder’s nationality, it doesn’t represent anything related to China, but framing it as “Chinese disinformation” is intended to get others to think twice about what they thought they knew about this term. Social media analytical company Graphika published a report on Monday alleging…

Negative Nationalism Is a Potent a Means of Political Mobilization in Parts of Europe

Negative Nationalism Is a Potent a Means of Political Mobilization in Parts of Europe

The concept of “negative nationalism”, or basing one’s nationalism based on what they are not, is a potent means of political mobilization in Central & Eastern Europe as evidenced by countries such as Ukraine obsessing over their identity differences – whether real, imagined, or exaggerated – with Russia. Is Ukraine Turning Into The “Anti-Russia”? President…

Why’s The WHO Silent About Myanmarese Doctors Abandoning COVID-19 to Become Rebels?

Why’s The WHO Silent About Myanmarese Doctors Abandoning COVID-19 to Become Rebels?

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) silence about Myanmarese doctors abandoning their front line roles in fighting COVID-19 in order to pick up arms and fight against their own military instead proves that the globalist body is practicing double standards with respect to its own narrative about the pandemic in order to achieve geostrategic objectives. I…

Between the Lines: Congressional Report Finds US Sanctions to Blame for Venezuela Crisis

Between the Lines: Congressional Report Finds US Sanctions to Blame for Venezuela Crisis

Venezuela was once one of the most prosperous countries in Latin America. The popular classes enjoyed major advances from the Bolivarian Revolution initiated by Hugo Chávez. Today Venezuela is experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis with severe humanitarian consequences. The U.S. government blames the crisis on the mismanagement and corruption of the Venezuelan government headed by…