Modi’s Escalating War Against India’s Forests and Tribal People

Modi’s Escalating War Against India’s Forests and Tribal People

The result of the biggest election in history, India 2019, is terrible news for tribal peoples in the world’s biggest democracy. Politicians with authoritarian nationalist inclinations like India’s newly invigorated Narendra Modi are in vogue around the world, and while many minority groups are feeling the impact of this surge to the right, the past…

Iran’s Relations with India and Pakistan. Couldn’t Be More Different

Iran’s Relations with India and Pakistan. Couldn’t Be More Different

Iran is becoming increasingly desperate after the US intensified the economic component of its Hybrid War on the country, and while Indian Prime Minister Modi snubbed the Islamic Republic’s top diplomat during his visit to the country earlier this month and humiliatingly sent him back to his homeland empty-handed, his Pakistani counterpart Imran Khan warmly…

Russia Took Pakistan’s Side in South Asia’s Tit-for-Tat Missile Tests

Russia Took Pakistan’s Side in South Asia’s Tit-for-Tat Missile Tests

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov staunchly defended Pakistan’s “sovereign right to take care of its security” amidst South Asia’s tit-for-tat missile tests, with this unprecedented statement not only signifying the strength of the Russian-Pakistani Strategic Partnership, but also potentially being a response to the Indian Ambassador to the US’ recent hint that his country…