India’s Strategic Alliance with U.S.: Towards an Anti-Russian Military Pivot

India’s Strategic Alliance with U.S.: Towards an Anti-Russian Military Pivot

India’s much-touted and over-hyped policy of “multi-alignment” is seeming more and more like a cover for unconvincingly disguising the country’s strategic alliance the US, especially after its Ambassador to America strongly hinted that Modi will undertake an anti-Russian military pivot during his second term in office. There’s little doubt that India will ditch Russia like…

The Russian-Pakistani Space Pact Is an Important Step in Their Strategic Partnership

The Russian-Pakistani Space Pact Is an Important Step in Their Strategic Partnership

The two Great Powers signed a joint statement committing to do their utmost to prevent the militarization of space after Trump declared the creation of the US’ so-called “Space Force” and India tested an anti-satellite missile, showing that the Russian-Pakistani Strategic Partnership is finally beginning to feel confident enough to at least rhetorically confront its…

India: Congress’ Lack of a Proactive Vision Spelled Its Downfall

India: Congress’ Lack of a Proactive Vision Spelled Its Downfall

The BJP’s colossal landslide has led to some serious soul-searching by the Congress opposition, but the answer to its downfall should be obvious to all and it’s that the party completely lacked any proactive vision. The latest Indian elections were basically a referendum on Modi, and to his credit, he won by a colossal landslide….

The “Baloch Liberation Army” Is a Foreign-Backed Feudal Terrorist Group

The “Baloch Liberation Army” Is a Foreign-Backed Feudal Terrorist Group

The so-called “Baloch Liberation Army” issued a video ultimatum to China over the weekend to discontinue its CPEC development projects in Pakistan’s Balochistan or face a renewed wave of terrorist attacks against its interests there, with this message unambiguously proving that the group is far from the “national liberation movement” that it purports to be…

Observations & Implications of a Possible BJP Victory

Observations & Implications of a Possible BJP Victory

Many media outlets are reporting that the BJP will probably win re-election according to exit polling conducted over the month-long electoral process that was finally made public after it ended, which would be the result of several important factors if true and also carry with it some very significant implications. Practically all international media outlets…