The Militarization of Strategic Waterways: US- India War Games Contemplated. Aggressive “Signal to China”

The Militarization of Strategic Waterways: US- India War Games Contemplated. Aggressive “Signal to China”

“Whoever attains maritime supremacy in the Indian Ocean would be a prominent player on the international scene.”  (US Navy Geostrategist Rear Admiral Alfred Thayus Mahan (1840-1914)) Among Washington’s strategic objectives is the militarization of major seaways, extending from the Mediterranean to South Asia and the Far East, through the Suez Canal, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, The…

India’s Geopolitical Pivot Is Complete After Trump’s Successful Visit

India’s Geopolitical Pivot Is Complete After Trump’s Successful Visit

India’s gradual geopolitical pivot towards the US — hitherto deceptively disguised as “multi-aligning” between Great Powers — is complete after Trump’s successful visit, during which time the two countries agreed to a $3 billion arms deal and a memorandum of understanding on boosting energy ties, prompting Prime Minister Modi to proudly declare that they had…

The Russian-Indian Oil Deal Is An ‘Unpleasant Surprise’ for Iran, Not the US

The Russian-Indian Oil Deal Is An ‘Unpleasant Surprise’ for Iran, Not the US

Shishir Upadhyaya, a former Indian naval intelligence officer and one of RT’s newest columnists, is incorrect in recently writing that the latest Russian-Indian oil deal is an “unpleasant surprise for Washington” since it’s actually an “unpleasant surprise” for Tehran because the Islamic Republic is powerless to stop two of its closest economic partners from taking…

Neocolonialism and Geopolitical Rivalry in Sri Lanka

Neocolonialism and Geopolitical Rivalry in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s historical narrative has been defined by geopolitical rivalry, external aggression and internal resistance to that aggression. The early historical era experienced successive waves of invasion from South Indian kingdoms. These were followed by European conquest and consecutive rule of the coastal lowlands by the Portuguese (1505-1666), the Dutch (1666-1796) and the British (1796-1815)….