Debunking the Top Five Weaponized Narratives of the US’ Infowar Against Pakistan

Debunking the Top Five Weaponized Narratives of the US’ Infowar Against Pakistan

The purpose of this piece is to expose the top five weaponized narratives in order to inform Pakistanis of the intense efforts underway to manipulate their thoughts and emotions during this rolling regime change crisis. It’s hoped that doing so will enable them to identify anti-Pakistani information warfare products whenever they come across them and…

Information Warfare: Big Tech Engaged in War Against Russia

Information Warfare: Big Tech Engaged in War Against Russia

The attempt to “cancel” the existence of Russia has been promoted not only by Western liberal governments, but also by big companies, mainly multinationals in the technology sector. The so-called “Big Tech companies” have been a major point of boycott against Russia, acting on the cyber front and in information warfare. Russian profiles on social…

The US’ False Flag & Crisis Actor Speculation About Russia Is Self-Discrediting

The US’ False Flag & Crisis Actor Speculation About Russia Is Self-Discrediting

This exercise in the very definition of doublethink is self-discrediting and intellectually insulting. The subversive anti-Russian faction of the US’ permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”) is so desperate to provoke a Russian-Ukrainian proxy war that it’s now pushing speculation about Russia supposedly plotting to carry out a false flag attack comprised of…

China & Russia Don’t Influence Each Other, Their Relations Are Between Equals

China & Russia Don’t Influence Each Other, Their Relations Are Between Equals

According to Western so-called ‘experts’, China ‘dominates’ this relationship and Russia is the ‘junior partner’. This false narrative is pushed for purely self-interested reasons related to meddling in their unbreakable partnership. US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, better known for her infamous role in encouraging Ukraine’s 2013-2014 EuroMaidan Color Revolution, made…

Zelensky’s Pushback Against Mainstream Media Panic Confirms US-Ukrainian Divisions

Zelensky’s Pushback Against Mainstream Media Panic Confirms US-Ukrainian Divisions

The US-led Western Mainstream Media is hyping up the scenario of a so-called Russian ‘invasion’, doing so with extra gusto nowadays precisely because Ukraine is no longer playing along with its very dangerous warmongering gamble. Ukrainian President Zelensky powerfully pushed back against what he described as the “panic” being propagated by the US-led Western Mainstream…

Why’s Turkey Regularly Targeted by Alt-Media’s Disinformation Campaigns?

Why’s Turkey Regularly Targeted by Alt-Media’s Disinformation Campaigns?

Those who dare to question anti-Turkish disinformation, let alone debunk it with easily verifiable and factual pieces of evidence, are viciously attacked in ad hominem ways that include baseless accusations of being ‘Russophobic’, ‘Zionist’, and/or a ‘Turkish agent’ among many others. This is the exact same pattern that’s observed whenever it comes to the AMC’s…