Documents Shedding Light on CIA-Orchestrated Iranian coup of ’53 Released by State Dept

Documents Shedding Light on CIA-Orchestrated Iranian coup of ’53 Released by State Dept

The US State Department has released a volume of declassified documents detailing the role the United States played in the 1953 coup against the Iranian government of Mohammad Mosaddegh. Released Thursday, the 1,000-page “Foreign Relations of the United States, Iran, 1951–1954” provides information on the use of covert operations in Iran by the Truman and…

The West Can’t Smell What Eurasia is Cooking

The West Can’t Smell What Eurasia is Cooking

A tectonic geopolitical shift happened in Astana, Kazakhstan, only a few days ago, and yet barely a ripple registered in Atlanticist circles. At the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), founded in 2001, both India and Pakistan were admitted as full members, alongside Russia, China and four Central Asian “stans” (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan). So now…

Syria, Iran and North Korea: Will Trump Attempt to Finish the Neocon Hitlist?

Syria, Iran and North Korea: Will Trump Attempt to Finish the Neocon Hitlist?

In Donald Trump’s short time in office, he has already shown his propensity to use military force. From dropping the largestnon-nuclear bomb ever used on Afghanistan, to launching 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Iraq (oh wait, Syria), there is no doubt that the Trump administration has a prominent militaristic streak.  But is this just for…

Blood on the Tracks of the New Silk Roads

Blood on the Tracks of the New Silk Roads

China’s cardinal foreign policy imperative is to refrain from interfering abroad while advancing the proverbial good relations with key political actors – even when they may be at each other’s throats. Still, it’s nothing but gut-wrenching for Beijing to watch the current, unpredictable, Saudi-Qatari standoff. There’s no endgame in sight, as plausible scenarios include even…