Blood borders

Blood borders

  Map created by Ralph Peters and originally published in the Armed Forces Journal, via wikimedia The map above is a 2006 proposed plan to redrawn the borders of the Middle East by Ralph Peters, a retired United States Army lieutenant colonel, author, and Fox News commentator. It was original published in the Armed Forces…


The US-Saudi Plan To Prompt An Iranian Pullback From Syria

25.07.2016Andrew Korybko The US and Saudi Arabia have been conspiring with one another to engineer a series of crises that could prompt Iran to pull back its troops in Syria and redeploy them back to the homeland. The modus operandi has been to encourage peripheral insurgencies inside the Islamic Republic’s borderland regions concurrent with a…

Senior Military, Nuclear Weapons Officials Convene: America’s $1 Trillion Nuclear Weapons Plan — Take out Russia, Iran and N Korea?

Senior Military, Nuclear Weapons Officials Convene: America’s $1 Trillion Nuclear Weapons Plan — Take out Russia, Iran and N Korea?

On June 21,  250 top military brass, military planners, corporate military-industrial  ”defense” contractors, top officials and scientists from the nuclear weapons laboratories as well as prominent  academics gathered at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico to discuss, debate and promote the Pentagon’s One Trillion Dollar Nuclear Weapons program. Russia is allegedly “threatening the Western…

Turkey on the Ropes

Turkey on the Ropes

This has been an amazing week which saw the first clear sign of the collapse of the EU and Turkish President Erdogan presenting his excuses to Russia for the downing of a Russian SU-24 over Syria 7 month ago. While the latter event was largely eclipsed by the former, it might be the sign of…