America’s Arctic Aggression Might Prompt Russia to “Balance” with the AAGC

America’s Arctic Aggression Might Prompt Russia to “Balance” with the AAGC

The US’ demand that Russia allow it to use the Northern Sea Route hints at future Hybrid War aggression in the Arctic that could prompt Moscow to increase its strategic dependency on China in response, a less than desirable scenario that could be avoided if Russia “balances” friend and foe alike by facilitating the Indo-Japanese…

Is the US Trying to Turn Zambia into the “African Sri Lanka”?

Is the US Trying to Turn Zambia into the “African Sri Lanka”?

The recent Mainstream Media speculation about the true state of Zambia’s debt might be manipulated by the US to craft the weaponized infowar narrative that the country’s becoming the “African Sri Lanka”, a misleading perception that would be designed to enflame anti-Chinese sentiment as a prelude to the Indo-Japanese “Asia-Africa Growth Corridor” making decisive inroads…

Could South Korea Join Pakistan and Turkey as an Ex-US “Ally”?

Could South Korea Join Pakistan and Turkey as an Ex-US “Ally”?

The often malicious “diplomacy” of the Trump Administration’s State Department has made it clear just how little the US valued its former “allies” in Pakistan and Turkey. Pakistan has gone from an obedient servant of the failed US policy in Afghanistan to a country that is being openly chastised and financially punished by the US,…

The Xi Silk Road is Here to Stay

The Xi Silk Road is Here to Stay

It took only two sentences for Xinhua to make the historical announcement; the Central Committee of the CCCP “proposed to remove the expression that ‘the president and vice-president of the People’s Republic of China shall serve no more than two consecutive terms’ from the country’s constitution.” That will be all but confirmed at the end of the…

Revived ‘Quad’ Alliance Eggs on China’s Response

Revived ‘Quad’ Alliance Eggs on China’s Response

China’s territorial assertiveness has rapidly revived the long-dormant Quadrilateral (Quad) alliance among major maritime powers India, Japan, Australia and the United States. A renewed sense of urgency among China’s strategic rivals is being driven partly by growing frustration with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) grouping’s inability to tame Beijing’s geopolitical ambitions through dialogue…