On Jews and Plagues – Adventures in Jewish Historiography

On Jews and Plagues – Adventures in Jewish Historiography

“The libel that Jews were continually plotting to poison the world had particularly tragic results during the Black Death of 1348–49.Dennis Prager & Joseph Telushkin Why the Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism[1] “There is no direct link between the massacres and the plague.”Iris Ritzmann, “The Black Death as a cause of the massacres of Jews:…

Karl Marx and Jewish Power

Karl Marx and Jewish Power

In a recent article, I explored the influence of Freud’s Jewishness on the formation, reception and propagation of his psychoanalytical theory. I wish now to do the same for Karl Marx (1818-1883). In contrast to Freud’s, Marx’s Jewishness is seldom considered an important factor. If you type “Freud Jewish” as key-words on Amazon.com, you will…

The Government of Israel Has A Very Serious Antisemitism Problem

The Government of Israel Has A Very Serious Antisemitism Problem

As Zionist organizations around the world weaponize antisemitism and use it as a tool to bring down politicians and other public figures with whom they disagree, the state of Israel is engaged in what is perhaps the worst example of antisemitism in the world today. A rebellion against the Almighty According to Halakhah, strict Jewish law,…

Next Intifada? (I)

Next Intifada? (I)

The Deal of the Century proposed by acting US President Donald Trump once again opened a Pandora Box of the Israeli-Palestinian relations in the Middle East.[i] It is very rational to predict that the Palestinian answer to the Deal of the Century is going to be in the form of intifada’s uprisings which can return…