Trump Creates a New Nation

Trump Creates a New Nation

The pandering by Donald Trump and those around him to Israel and to some conservative American Jews is apparently endless. Last Wednesday the president signed an executive order that is intended to address alleged anti-Semitism on college campuses by cutting off funds to those universities that do not prevent criticism of Israel. To provide a…

Britain’s Chief Rabbi Is Helping to Stoke Antisemitism against Corbyn

Britain’s Chief Rabbi Is Helping to Stoke Antisemitism against Corbyn

Chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has not only misrepresented the known facts about Labour and its supposed antisemitism crisis. He has not only interfered in an overtly, politically partisan manner in the December 12 election campaign by suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn – against all evidence – is an antisemite. By speaking out as the voice of…

World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

Billionaires, Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian ambassadors, international financiers, the Rothschilds, and glitterati of all sorts gathered at the 2019 gala for the World Jewish Congress. The gathering represented unparalleled power & wealth (and not a little corruption)… martialled on behalf of Israel…  *** The World Jewish Congress (WJC), which calls itself “The Representative Body of over…