Why’s Estonia Once Again Bringing Up A Debunked Border Scandal With Russia?

Why’s Estonia Once Again Bringing Up A Debunked Border Scandal With Russia?

For the second consecutive year in a row, Estonia once again rang in the New Year by having one of its senior officials bring up a debunked border scandal with Russia, which is nothing more than a desperate attempt to generate attention from its distracted American ally and promote ultra-nationalist narratives at home. The most…

The Moral Dilemma of Every Color Revolution Coup and Democratic Security Movement

The Moral Dilemma of Every Color Revolution Coup and Democratic Security Movement

The tactics employed by participants in every Color Revolution coup and “Democratic Security” movement are practically the same, with the only difference between those two being the political cause that they strive to advance, which is the primary basis upon which others subjectively determine their legitimacy and thenceforth decide whether “the ends justify the means”…

Plans for Iran of Joe Biden’s Administration

Plans for Iran of Joe Biden’s Administration

Aside from numerous domestic problems facing President-elect Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats, there are also complex foreign issues, which need to be resolved as quickly as possible. While, for instance, US relations with the Russian Federation and China are, for the moment, strategic in nature, determining and appropriately adjusting the policy course towards Iran…

Biden & CIA Death Squads

Biden & CIA Death Squads

CIA-backed death squads are running amok in Afghanistan, murdering civilians and terrorizing the population. When Joe Biden becomes president in three weeks, he should prioritize ending this “Murder Inc.” A newly published investigative report has uncovered a systematic assassination program conducted by the CIA in several provinces across Afghanistan. In just one six-month period during…