The Top Owners of America’s President-Elect Joe Biden

The Top Owners of America’s President-Elect Joe Biden

Some of the top owners of America’s President-Elect Joe Biden are entirely secret because a corrupt U.S. Supreme Court, in the infamous 2010 Citizens United case, encouraged not only corruption but corruption that’s entirely secret or “dark money.” However, most of the individuals who purchased Biden to become the U.S. President did so under the…

The Arctic Is America’s Next Theater for the Dual Containment of Russia and China

The Arctic Is America’s Next Theater for the Dual Containment of Russia and China

The US Navy’s recently unveiled “Advantage at Sea” doctrine identifies the Arctic Ocean as the next theater for America’s attempted dual containment of Russia and China, to which end the document proposes that Washington resort to desperate means such as deliberately deploying its naval forces in harm’s way for supposed “de-escalation” purposes that actually run…

Can Democracy Hold Us Together?

Can Democracy Hold Us Together?

If America were a company and not a country, we would have long ago dissolved the corporation, split the blanket, and gone our separate ways. What still holds this disputatious and divided people together? Consider. In announcing the $900 billion stimulus bill to deal with the pandemic, Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not mention that the…

A Return to Normalcy? Joe Biden’s Vision of Normal Raises Concerns

A Return to Normalcy? Joe Biden’s Vision of Normal Raises Concerns

It has already been observed that Joe Biden’s incoming cabinet looks a bit like old wine in new bottles, drawing as it does on veterans from the Barack Obama and even the Bill Clinton administrations. That’s the bad news as it very much looks like business as usual as the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Wall Street kleptocracy is reasserting…

There’s No Great ‘American Democracy’ to be Restored After Trump

There’s No Great ‘American Democracy’ to be Restored After Trump

In his latest victory speech, Joe Biden claimed that his election marks a great victory for “democracy.” The claim has some merit. Donald Trump is an authoritarian menace who has played to and preyed upon the United States’ worst, most hateful and paranoid instincts, in a farcical yet nonetheless dangerous effort to establish an autocratic…

Roadmap to a Trump Reelection (Yes, It Is Still Possible)

Roadmap to a Trump Reelection (Yes, It Is Still Possible)

By this time it would appear that a Biden-Harris presidency is a foregone conclusion. Despite multiple allegations of election fraud put forward by Trump’s legal team, the Democrat Joe Biden has been officially recognized by the Electoral College as the President-elect. Nevertheless, the Republican incumbent still has a shot at retaining control of the White…