A US-Turkish Clash in Syria?

A US-Turkish Clash in Syria?

The war for dominance in the Middle East, following the crushing of ISIS, appears about to commence in Syria — with NATO allies America and Turkey on opposing sides. Turkey is moving armor and troops south to Syria’s border enclave of Afrin, occupied by Kurds, to drive them out, and then drive the Syrian Kurds…

Afrin Knot: How the Battle for a Small Kurdish Enclave Could Be the Death Knell for US-Turkey Ties

Afrin Knot: How the Battle for a Small Kurdish Enclave Could Be the Death Knell for US-Turkey Ties

Turkey is gearing up to move troops toward Afrin, a Kurdish-held area of Syria. The battle over the tiny enclave, which many would struggle to find on the map, could put Ankara in open conflict with NATO ally the US – here’s how. This week, the countdown began for Afrin, a Kurdish-held enclave in the…

Syrian Kurds: “Border Force” or “Terror Army”?

Syrian Kurds: “Border Force” or “Terror Army”?

The US announced that it will train a 30,000-strong “border force” of the Kurdish-led SDF in Northern Syria in a controversial move that was immediately slammed by Turkey as the creation of a “terror army”. President Erdogan has long been opposed to the establishment of a de-facto Kurdish statelet along his country’s southern border, and…

Turkey Notifies NATO of Imminent Massive Invasion of Syria to Fight Kurds

Turkey Notifies NATO of Imminent Massive Invasion of Syria to Fight Kurds

Turkey is poised for an imminent massive ground invasion of Northern Syria to quash Kurdish militia groups currently holding Afrin near the Turkish border. Multiple regional outlets have reported a build-up of forces that could constitute the largest external intervening force thus far in the entirety of the Syrian war. According to Middle East based…