Imran Khan Has Successfully Exposed Liberalism as Pakistan’s Greatest Enemy

Imran Khan Has Successfully Exposed Liberalism as Pakistan’s Greatest Enemy

America’s Establishment – the military-industrial complex  During his final address as President of the United States of America, General Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the development of a military-industrial complex in the following way: “This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence…

Denial & Guilt: US Liberals Collectively Lose their Minds over #Treasonsummit

Denial & Guilt: US Liberals Collectively Lose their Minds over #Treasonsummit

The unhinged rhetoric of American liberals and neocons over Donald Trump’s meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki is deeply repugnant and strangely disorienting. This is especially the case for someone my age, born less than a decade after the United States Air Force vaporized hundreds of thousands of civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a year…

Boy Skirts of America: Century-Old Youth Club Caves to PC Police

Boy Skirts of America: Century-Old Youth Club Caves to PC Police

The oldest youth group in the US has undergone a ‘sex-change’ operation of sorts by declaring itself a ‘gender neutral’ outfit. Such a move does a considerable disservice to both American men and women. Founded in 1910 by the American media magnate and explorer William D. Boyce, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) provided a…

Will the Putin-Xi Era Supersede the Western Liberal (Dis)Order?

Will the Putin-Xi Era Supersede the Western Liberal (Dis)Order?

The Chinese constitutional amendment allowing Xi Jinping the possibility of further presidential terms — staying in power long enough to bring “national rejuvenation” combined with the Russian election re-confirming Vladimir Putin in the presidency have assured consistency and continuity for the Russia-China strategic partnership way into the next decade. This will facilitate the interaction between…