McCain Didn’t Die, He was “Reincarnated” in India!

McCain Didn’t Die, He was “Reincarnated” in India!

In what was either an eerie coincidence or a sign of something supernatural, a rabid right-wing Indian politician began loudly beating the drums of war against his county’s tiniest neighbors on the day that McCain discontinued his treatment for brain cancer, remarkably channeling the Senator’s rhetoric of militantly “spreading democracy” in the Maldives that was…

Opposition supporters protest the government's delay in releasing jailed leaders in Male, Maldives, on February 4, 2018. © Reuters

China Will ‘Take Action’ If India Sends Troops to Crisis-Hit Maldives

Beijing will “take action” if India sends troops to the Maldives, Chinese state media has warned. It comes after a Supreme Court in the Maldives overturned the conviction of an opposition politician, prompting a political crisis. “India should exercise restraint,” an editorial in the state-run Global Times reads. “Without UN empowerment, there would be no…

Maldives Crisis: US-Indian Strategic Alliance Forming

Maldives Crisis: US-Indian Strategic Alliance Forming

Developments in Maldives have begun unfolding according to script. India, the United States and Britain are spearheading the demand that Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen comply with the order by his country’s Supreme Court to release his political opponents from prison and reinstate 12 former lawmakers as members of Parliament. The script has a striking resemblance…

As Maldives Burns, Lessons for China and India’s Limited Options

As Maldives Burns, Lessons for China and India’s Limited Options

Attempts by the president of Maldives to crush the country’s democratic institutions is a tragedy for the tiny island state, but its implications go far beyond its shores. We have seen Maldives President Abdulla Yameen, backed by his security forces, take complete power over the country. He has closed parliament, defied rulings from his country’s…

Is Modi Carrying Out a Coup in the Maldives?

Is Modi Carrying Out a Coup in the Maldives?

This ultra-geostrategic South Asian archipelago state is front and center in the Chinese-Indian New Cold War. The Maldivian military surrounded parliament today and reportedly arrested several individuals just days after the Supreme Court ruled that 9 opposition figures would be freed from custody and have their terrorism cases retried. The highest law in the land…