Time Magazine Is Right: Russia Isn’t As Isolated As Some in the West May Like to Think

Time Magazine Is Right: Russia Isn’t As Isolated As Some in the West May Like to Think

Far from being “isolated”, close to half of humanity refused to condemn Russia during the latest UN vote, while the overwhelmingly vast majority of the global population is represented by governments that have defied the Golden Billion’s illegal sanctions. The US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) is slowly but surely recalibrating its weaponized anti-Russian information warfare…

Dead Hand vs. Dead Brain

Dead Hand vs. Dead Brain

NATO, apart from being a fake defense alliance and collective security system, is not only a company in the business of wars and arms sales. In November 2019, French President Macron warned his European allies that NATO was in a state of brain death. Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, reacted quickly at the time, asserting that Macron had…

The Thin Red Line: NATO Can’t Afford to Lose Kabul and Kiev

The Thin Red Line: NATO Can’t Afford to Lose Kabul and Kiev

Let’s start with Pipelineistan. Nearly seven years ago, I showed how Syria was the ultimate Pipelineistan war. Damascus had rejected the – American – plan for a Qatar-Turkey gas pipeline, to the benefit of Iran-Iraq-Syria (for which a memorandum of understanding was signed). What followed was a vicious, concerted “Assad must go” campaign: proxy war…

Some of Us Don’t Think the Russian Invasion was ‘Aggression.’ Here’s why.

Some of Us Don’t Think the Russian Invasion was ‘Aggression.’ Here’s why.

“We are not threatening anyone.… We have made it clear that any further NATO movement to the east is unacceptable. There’s nothing unclear about this. We aren’t deploying our missiles to the border of the United States, but the United States IS deploying their missiles to the porch of our house. Are we asking too…

Ukraine’s Revenge on the West

Ukraine’s Revenge on the West

Vector politics in Ukraine has added new dimensions to the 222 day-old conflict. Typically, any conflict behavior should end when a new balance of powers has been determined. But the ‘balancing of powers’ will not end until a balance is actually achieved – and evidence abounds that Ukraine is about to enter yet another ‘re-balancing.’ …

Russia Will Still Strategically Win Even in the Scenario of a Military Stalemate In Ukraine

Russia Will Still Strategically Win Even in the Scenario of a Military Stalemate In Ukraine

All that Russia has to do is simply continue to exist in defiance of the US’ politically unrealistic “Balkanization” plots in order to ensure the global systemic transition’s ultimate evolution towards multiplexity. The Ukrainian Conflict, which is actually a US-led NATO proxy war on Russia that’s being waged in and through that former Soviet Republic,…