New Delhi Hobnobs with Neocons to Disrupt the New Silk Road in Europe

New Delhi Hobnobs with Neocons to Disrupt the New Silk Road in Europe

The recent joint event between the infamous Heritage Foundation neocon think tank and its prestigious Indian partner from the Observer Research Foundation saw New Delhi’s representatives slamming China’s Silk Road role in Europe in an attempt to advance three strategic objectives. The Heritage Foundation, perhaps the US’ most well-known neoconservative think tank, co-hosted an event…

America’s Word Is Worthless

America’s Word Is Worthless

We can now dismiss all hope that Trump’s campaign promises to pull out of Syria, normalize relations with Russia and stop the offshoring of American jobs will ever become US policies. By dishonoring the US government’s word and pulling out of the Iran nuclear non-proliferation agreement, an agreement signed by the US, UK, France, Germany,…

The Warmakers

The Warmakers

Between the US strikes on Syria in April and the recent developments on the Korean Peninsula, we are in somewhat of a lull in the Empire’s search for a new war to start. The always helpful Israelis, in the person of the ineffable Bibi Netanyahu, are now beating the drums for, well, if not a…

Morality, Truth, Facts Have Exited from the Dying West

Morality, Truth, Facts Have Exited from the Dying West

If you don’t think we live in a crazy world, here is Netanyahu, the genocidal zionist leader of Israel, an invader which has destroyed Palestine and seized Palestine for Jews, expelling Palestinians from their homes, villages and country, accusing Abbas, the front man chosen by Washington and Israel as Palestine’s leader, of being a Holocaust…