Can Color Revolutions Stop the Coming COVID World Order?

Can Color Revolutions Stop the Coming COVID World Order?

It’s become increasingly obvious that most governments probably won’t voluntarily relinquish the unprecedented powers that they’ve granted themselves over their people throughout the course of their COVID-19 containment efforts, which is why a growing mass of online activists in the Alt-Media Community is considering whether they might need to employ Color Revolution technology as a…

The Coronavirus: Crown Jewel of the NWO or Crippling Blow to Globalization?

The Coronavirus: Crown Jewel of the NWO or Crippling Blow to Globalization?

There’s no doubt that the coronavirus has completely changed life as everyone knows it, but many people are divided over whether this outbreak has become the crown jewel celebrating the commencement of the “New World Order” (NWO) or the long-awaited crippling blow to globalization that so many have been eagerly hoping for. *** The COVID-19…