Obama’s Urging the White House to Get Stuck in “Yet Another Afghanistan”

Obama’s Urging the White House to Get Stuck in “Yet Another Afghanistan”

It’s no wonder that numerous media outlets across the globe have been naming Barack Obama a warmonger, since has been at war longer than any president in United States history. He has been stuck in several armed conflicts throughout his two terms, as well as in scores of endless wars of attrition, which is rather…

Obama Grants Waiver for Military Support of Foreign Fighters in Syria

Obama Grants Waiver for Military Support of Foreign Fighters in Syria

US President Barack Obama has ordered a waiver for restrictions on military aid for foreign forces and others in Syria, deeming it “essential to the national security interests” of the US to allow exceptions from provisions in the Arms Export Control Act. https://cdn.rt.com/files/2016.12/584a3726c3618881628b469a.mp4 A White House press release Thursday announced that foreign fighters in Syria supporting…

Obama Prioritized Defeating Assad Above Defeating Jihadists

Obama Prioritized Defeating Assad Above Defeating Jihadists

The evidence is clear and convincing: U.S. President Barack Obama, against advice and warnings from his top military officers, pursued a policy to protect the fundamentalist-Sunni organization, Al Qaeda in Syria (called «Al Nusra» there), and to arm them, so as to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and replace Assad’s secular government with a Sharia-law, fundamentalist-Sunni, government,…

Obama’s Zero Legacy

Obama’s Zero Legacy

«Trump did more than any democrat to deflate the neocon/neoliberal agenda that liberals themselves screamed was fascist when Bush was president». That was a brilliant and profoundly true reader-comment recently posted about Hillary Clinton supporters who are demonstrating against Trump’s winning the Presidency. Clinton-Obama Democrats who remain loyal to the Democratic Party in the wake…