CIA-RAW Psy-Op on Taliban-Daesh Alliance Exposed as Anti-CPEC Plot

CIA-RAW Psy-Op on Taliban-Daesh Alliance Exposed as Anti-CPEC Plot

American and Indian intelligence agencies failed in their frail attempt to convince the world that the Taliban had all of a sudden decided to ally with Daesh, but this fake news story might be the beginning of a new tendency to equate any unfriendly armed group to the “caliphate” or falsely accuse friendly ones of…

Trump Sends Lieutenants to Pakistan with Tough Message

Trump Sends Lieutenants to Pakistan with Tough Message

President Donald Trump will dispatch his top diplomatic and military advisors to Pakistan in the coming weeks, turning up the heat on a nuclear-armed ally accused of harboring terror groups. Weeks after Trump angrily accused Islamabad of providing safe haven to “agents of chaos,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson plans to depart for Pakistan late…

US May Revoke Pakistan’s “Non-NATO Ally” Status

US May Revoke Pakistan’s “Non-NATO Ally” Status

US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis has just stated that the US is considering revoking Pakistan’s status as a non-NATO ally. Pakistan joined a club of US partner which are given non-NATO ally status in 2004. Being classed as a non-NATO ally gives nations outside of Europe and Europe’s often controversial near-abroad, similar rankings…

Middle East and Asia Geopolitics: Shift in Military Alliances?

Middle East and Asia Geopolitics: Shift in Military Alliances?

A profound shift in geopolitical alliances is occurring which tends to undermine US hegemony in the broader Middle East Central Asian region as well as in South Asia.  Several of America’s staunchest allies have “changed sides”. Both NATO and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are in crisis.  Turkey and NATO NATO is characterized by profound divisions,…