Jenin is Just the Start: A New Generation of Palestinians Has Finally Buried the Ghosts of the Past

Jenin is Just the Start: A New Generation of Palestinians Has Finally Buried the Ghosts of the Past

The deadly Israeli invasion of Jenin on July 3 was not a surprise. Also unsurprising is the fact that the killing of 12 Palestinians, wounding of 120 more and the destruction of nearly 80 percent of the Jenin Refugee Camp’s homes and infrastructure will not make an iota of a difference. Even Israeli Prime Minister…

Don’t Look Now, But Utter Chaos Is Being Unleashed All Over the World

Don’t Look Now, But Utter Chaos Is Being Unleashed All Over the World

The relative peace and tranquility that we had been enjoying for several months has been shattered. All of a sudden, chaos is erupting all over the globe. Rioters are setting fires in cities all over France, The IDF just conducted the largest military operation in the West Bank since 2002, and the Russians and the…

15 Minute Cities: Where Israel Leads, Europe’s Forrest Gumps Follow

15 Minute Cities: Where Israel Leads, Europe’s Forrest Gumps Follow

Those excluded little Palestinians, like Zelensky’s hapless prisoners, are not stakeholders in their sick societies and nor are any champions they currently have. If there is a bright side to Israel’s current campaign of ethnic cleansing in the West Bank’s cage city of Jenin, it is that we can no longer deny this ongoing Nakba…

British director Ken Loach poses during a photocall for the film "The Old Oak" during the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on 27 May, 2023 (AFP)

Weaponised Antisemitism Crushed the Political Left. Now it’s the Cultural Left’s Turn

What does it mean to be antisemitic in modern Britain? The answer seems ever more confusing. We have reached the seemingly absurd point that a political leader famed for his anti-racism, a rock star whose most celebrated work focuses on the dangers of racism and fascism, and a renowned film maker committed to socially progressive…

Hamas fighters attend a military exhibition under the name “Resistance, a picture and a souvenir”, on the third day of Eid al-Adha holiday, at the Unknown Soldier Park in the centre of Gaza City. Ahmed Zakot | Sipa via AP Images

The Armed Revolt: Why Israel Cannot Crush the Resistance in Palestine

Numbers can be dehumanizing. However, when placed in their proper context, they help to illuminate wider issues and answer urgent questions, such as why occupied Palestine is at the threshold of a major revolt. And why Israel cannot crush Palestinian resistance no matter how hard or violently it tries. That’s when numbers become relevant. Since…

An elderly woman reacts as she stands by the rubble of broken pavement along an alley in Jenin in the occupied West Bank on 5 July 2023 (AFP)

As Israel Smashes Up Jenin, Its British Apologists Are Enabling This Violence

Consider two quotes which are almost contemporaneous. The first is from Ameed Shahada, a Palestinian journalist who was in Jenin camp during the Israeli forces’ large-scale assault this week. “The scenes in Jenin have been terrifying. There is live fire [from] every direction, and homes are being demolished. The sound of screams are hard to forget. They keep being replayed…