Will Petrodollar Give Way to Petroyuan? China Makes First Move this March

Will Petrodollar Give Way to Petroyuan? China Makes First Move this March

Wall Street is bracing for a potential shake-up as China is set to launch its first-ever crude oil futures contract late March at the Shanghai Futures Exchange. The move, which had been laid out in 2012 but faced delays over possible market turbulence, could represent a bold step forward in China’s rise as an economic…

Monetary Imperialism

Monetary Imperialism

In theory, the global financial system is supposed to help every country gain. Mainstream teaching of international finance, trade and “foreign aid” (defined simply as any government credit) depicts an almost utopian system uplifting all countries, not stripping their assets and imposing austerity. The reality since World War I is that the United States has…

Demise of the Petrodollar has the Potential to Reshape the Geopolitical World

Demise of the Petrodollar has the Potential to Reshape the Geopolitical World

In the early 1970s President Richard Nixon instigated two changes that had profound effects. The first of these was taking United States off the gold standard; i.e. henceforth US dollars would no longer be convertible to Gold. Ordinarily this might have been expected to have significant ramifications for the value of the US dollar. Deleterious…