Saudi Arabia: What’s Really Behind Trump’s Hypocrisy?

Saudi Arabia: What’s Really Behind Trump’s Hypocrisy?

US President Donald Trump’s support came in no small part from those Americans who believe terrorism, and more specifically, “Islamic” terrorism pose an existential threat to the United States and the wider Western World. It is curious then that President Trump’s first trip abroad was to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the sociocultural source code of the…

America’s Death Throes

America’s Death Throes

China and Russia have already ditched the US dollar in their vast energy trade. Now China is leveraging Saudi Arabia to also abandon the greenback for oil sales. No wonder, it seems, that US policies are increasingly lashing out. US global power depends on its presumed economic prowess and military force. With its economy in long-term decline,…

US in Denial as Beijing Lays Groundwork for New Economic Order

US in Denial as Beijing Lays Groundwork for New Economic Order

China’s Belt and Road summit has begun—and its outcome will put another nail in the petrodollar’s coffin Marcellus’ famous one-liner to Horatio—“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”—could be updated in 2017 as “something is rotten in the state of the Union”. Does anyone else find it odd that one of the broadest geo-economic projects in recent…