The Dollar Rebellion

The Dollar Rebellion

This morning, I happened to overhear something I found to be highly hilarious, to say nothing of guffaw-inducing. Ok, so I’m here in Tucson and I walk all over the place. To date, I have only been approached twice in about a year by panhandlers asking for money. And I see the homeless all the…

Employees walk along Kozmino oil-loading port in the bay of Kozmino, about 100 km (62 miles) east of Russia's far eastern city of Vladivostok © Yuri Maltsev / Reuters

De-Petrodollar-ization Esclates – China Imports Record Amount Of Russian Oil In April

We have reported for years that Russia and China have been doing everything they can to displace the use (and influence) of the US dollar. The US of course, either oblivious or too arrogant to care, has continued to bring Russia and China together by annoying both equally with its incessant meddling. Recall that recently both China and Russia have had to warn…