Analyzing the Implications of the Fascist Attack on the Russian Ambassador to Poland

Analyzing the Implications of the Fascist Attack on the Russian Ambassador to Poland

The emerging conclusion is that there’s much more to this scandal than just a single member of a supposedly spontaneous fascist refugee mob violating the Vienna Convention by suddenly attacking a foreign ambassador. A scandal of epic proportions suddenly occurred on Monday after a fascist Ukrainian mob attacked the Russian Ambassador to Poland at the…

Why’s the Polish Government Pushing Pro-Ukrainian Propaganda in Hungary?

Why’s the Polish Government Pushing Pro-Ukrainian Propaganda in Hungary?

It’s very scandalous that Poland launched this campaign against Hungary, which used to be its ideological ally in the EU until the US forced its European vassals to choose between it and Russia, which prompted Warsaw to go with Washington while Budapest has done its best to balance between both Great Powers. Hungary Today reported…

What Explains Poland’s Massive Amount of Military Aid to Kiev?

What Explains Poland’s Massive Amount of Military Aid to Kiev?

The massive Polish military aid to Kiev complements the equally massive socio-economic aid that it’s giving the millions of Ukrainians that it’s welcomed into its territory to create a Ukraine-centric domestic and foreign policy that amounts to the de facto merging of these two countries just like what briefly happened when Poland occupied Kiev for…

Is It Really in Poland’s Best Interests to Reportedly Plot Western Ukraine’s Annexation?

Is It Really in Poland’s Best Interests to Reportedly Plot Western Ukraine’s Annexation?

The scenario of annexing Western Ukraine that Russian spy chief Naryshkin just warned about would actually result in the largest transfer of Polish wealth since the loss of the “Kresy” after World War II. Poland’s socio-economic stability will certainly suffer and perhaps be irreparably affected by such a radical redistribution of wealth to the millions…

Bulgaria & Poland Are Responsible for Europe’s Worst-Case Energy Scenario

Bulgaria & Poland Are Responsible for Europe’s Worst-Case Energy Scenario

This could quickly catalyze a chain reaction of events whereby European production grinds to a halt, including possibly within its German economic engine. The socio-political consequences could be tremendous since people have already shown how rebellious they’re becoming after organizing massive rallies against their governments’ epidemiological policies that were imposed on the pretext of containing…