The Rohingya in Malaysia: Coronavirus and Alibis for Paranoia

The Rohingya in Malaysia: Coronavirus and Alibis for Paranoia

Rounding up undocumented workers, migrant and refugees is part of a brutal order of things in Malaysia. When matters economic are going well, authorities turn the blindest of eyes. The money pours in; development goals are being met. During times of crisis, the eye sharpens in the search for scapegoats. With the enervating effects of…

Why Don’t Activists Care About the Kashmiris as Much as the Rohingyas?

Why Don’t Activists Care About the Kashmiris as Much as the Rohingyas?

It’s certainly peculiar that the international activist community cares more for the Rohingyas than the Kashmiris despite both of these people being Muslim minorities that are facing a similar threat of ethnic cleansing, which suggests that there must be more behind their double standards than initially meets the eye. The international activist community rallied in…

The “Arakan Army” & “Rohingya”: “Unholy Alliance” or Tatmadaw’s “Divide-and-Rule” Tactic?

The “Arakan Army” & “Rohingya”: “Unholy Alliance” or Tatmadaw’s “Divide-and-Rule” Tactic?

The Myanmarese military’s accusation that the Buddhist-believing “Arakan Army” insurgents are working hand-in-hand with their Muslim “Rohingya” counterparts is either a sign that these two seemingly opposed anti-government forces have struck an “unholy alliance” with one another or a clever attempt by the Tatmadaw to “divide and rule” its enemies. Background Briefing Myanmar’s conflict-prone coastal…

A young Rohingya refugee spreads out firewood to dry on the roof of a shack in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar district on 18 November (AFP)

Will the World Help the Rohingya to Attain Justice?

Just over a year ago, many of our Rohingya brothers and sisters endured what the UN now says constituted genocide.  Tens of thousands were slaughtered by the brutal Burmese military, which stripped them of their citizenship decades earlier, and hundreds of thousands fled for neighbouring Bangladesh, where most now remain in makeshift camps in Cox’s…

Rohingya refugees are pictured at the Balukhali refugee camp near Cox's Bazar in southern Bangladesh on 17 November 2018 (AFP)

Rohingya Muslims Need the World to Prevent Another Slaughter

While the mass killing of Rohingya Muslims by Myanmar’s security forces might have subsided – at least for now, given that more than 700,000 have found temporary safety in the makeshift refugee camps in the border region of Bangladesh – the persecution and harassment of the Rohingya within Myanmar continues. Last Sunday, a boat carrying…

Did a Rohingya-Like “Ethnic Cleansing” Just Happen in Angola?

Did a Rohingya-Like “Ethnic Cleansing” Just Happen in Angola?

The large-scale and rapid outflow of 380,000 Congolese from northeastern Angola over the past couple of weeks draws immediate comparisons to last year’s Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar, but a closer examination reveals that both of them didn’t exactly unfold according to the Mainstream Media’s narrative and that they each played into America’s geopolitical hands whether…