India’s Assam Citizenship Scandal Could Have Wide Reaching Geopolitical Implications

India’s Assam Citizenship Scandal Could Have Wide Reaching Geopolitical Implications

India strikes fear into the hearts of 4 million Muslims  India has drafted a controversial list of the country’s citizens which has made international headlines due to four million people living in the Indian state of Assam being excluded from the list. The Bengali speaking Muslims whose presumed citizenship status was effectively removed has left…

Reuters on Trial in Myanmar: Journalism vs. Espionage

Reuters on Trial in Myanmar: Journalism vs. Espionage

The criminal trial of two Reuters reporters in Myanmar has finally begun. Two young men were arrested late last year immediately after receiving what they thought were secret documents that would prove the military’s complicity in the killing of 10 Rohingyas during last summer’s Hybrid War events in Rakhine State. The government is charging them…

Myanmar is still detaining and prosecuting two Reuters journalists who attempted to uncover the extent of the army’s crimes. (Photo: File)

The Massacre of Inn Din: How Rohingya Are Lynched and Held Responsible

“In my four years as High Commissioner, I have heard many preposterous claims. That claim is almost in its own category of absurdity. Have you no shame, sir, have you no shame? We are not fools.” These were some of the remarks made by outgoing United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein,…

China’s Myanmar Policy: Peace, Conflict – Whatever Works

China’s Myanmar Policy: Peace, Conflict – Whatever Works

As Myanmar’s de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi this week sought to make progress on ending decades of civil war by bringing the country’s military and myriad ethnic armed groups to the negotiating table, the influence of Myanmar’s looming neighbour, China, weighed large on proceedings. Although bringing peace was a campaign promise when Suu…