Russia Has South Asia’s Back in the Economic Crisis

Russia Has South Asia’s Back in the Economic Crisis

Through the combination of food and fuel exports (as well as planned pipeline cooperation such as is the case with Pakistan), the Kremlin has successfully leveraged its status as a commodities superpower to make strategic inroads in one of Eurasia’s most dynamic regions, which is accelerating the global systemic transition to multipolarity. Russia’s “Return to…

Riots in Sri Lanka Escalate

Riots in Sri Lanka Escalate

Not only has the state of the all-round crisis in which Sri Lanka found itself in March not “resolved” but, as recent events in the country show, it has become increasingly acute. Apparently, it is no longer an alarmist exaggeration to define the situation as “total chaos” by which this condition is assessed in China, that…

Sri Lanka: Debt Crisis, Neocolonialism and Geopolitical Rivalry

Sri Lanka: Debt Crisis, Neocolonialism and Geopolitical Rivalry

Sri Lanka is in the throes of an unprecedented economic crisis. Faced with a shortage of foreign exchange and defaulting on its foreign debt repayment, the country is unable to pay for its food, fuel, medicine, and other basic necessities. Notwithstanding the austerities that would be entailed, a bail out by the International Monetary Fund…

China & India, Not Rioting, Can Help Resolve Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis

China & India, Not Rioting, Can Help Resolve Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis

Sri Lanka’s descent into failed state status would destabilize all of South Asia and therefore isn’t in either China’s or India’s interests, hence the need for them to act without delay in averting this scenario, if it’s even possible at this point. Sri Lanka has been hit by deadly riots that saw the imposition of…