Syria War, Sochi Peace

Syria War, Sochi Peace

The main take away of the trilateral, two hour-long Russia-Iran-Turkey summit in Sochi on the future of Syria was expressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin: “The presidents of Iran and Turkey supported the initiative to convene an All-Syrian Congress for national dialogue in Syria. We agreed to hold this important event at the proper level…

US Decision to Stay In Syria After Defeat of ISIS Will Unite Russia, Iran and Turkey Against It

US Decision to Stay In Syria After Defeat of ISIS Will Unite Russia, Iran and Turkey Against It

Following the meeting of Russia, Iran, and Turkey in Sochi, where the end of the war was announced and the beginning of the post-war regulation process meant to decide Syria’s future took place, the US media began reporting on the fact that the US plans to stay in Syria despite the collapse of ISIS, and…

Syria, ‘Experts’ and George Monbiot: How the IAEA Conspired with Israel and US

Syria, ‘Experts’ and George Monbiot: How the IAEA Conspired with Israel and US

Investigative journalist Gareth Porter has published two exclusives whose import is far greater than may be immediately apparent. They concern Israel’s bombing in 2007 of a supposed nuclear plant secretly built, according to a self-serving US and Israeli narrative, by Syrian leader Bashar Assad. Although the attack on the “nuclear reactor” occurred a decade ago,…

Syria – This U.S. Occupation – or “Presence” – is Unsustainable

Syria – This U.S. Occupation – or “Presence” – is Unsustainable

The U.S. is now occupying north-east Syria. It wants to blackmail the Syrian government into “regime change”. The occupation is unsustainable, its aim is unattainable. The generals who devised these plans lack strategic insight. They listen to the wrong people. The Islamic State no longer holds any significant ground in Syria and Iraq. What is…

Putin/Assad Meeting Cements the End of U.S. Dominance in the Middle East

Putin/Assad Meeting Cements the End of U.S. Dominance in the Middle East

I’m not a terribly religious man.  But, I’d like to believe there is a special corner in Hell reserved for those that fomented the Syrian Civil War. From its beginnings in Libya with gun-funneling through the U.S. embassy in Benghazi to yesterday’s meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, this entire…

Israel’s Ploy Selling a Syrian Nuke Strike

Israel’s Ploy Selling a Syrian Nuke Strike

In September 2007, Israeli warplanes bombed a building in eastern Syria that the Israelis claimed held a covert nuclear reactor that had been built with North Korean assistance. Seven months later, the CIA released an extraordinary 11-minute video and mounted press and Congressional briefings that supported that claim. But nothing about that alleged reactor in…