Israel Threatens War on Syria

Israel Threatens War on Syria

Washington and Israel demand regime change in Syria, along with removal of Iranian and Hezbollah forces involved in combating ISIS and other terrorists. Despite most of Syrian territory liberated from US-supported terrorists, winning the peace remains a formidable challenge. Washington, NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia and their rogue allies won’t tolerate conflict resolution unless their unacceptable…

Saudi Prince Muhammad’s Achilles Heel: Misreading Tea Leaves in Washington

Saudi Prince Muhammad’s Achilles Heel: Misreading Tea Leaves in Washington

Emboldened by perceived White House support, Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman appears to have stepped up his risky, so far faltering effort to counter Iranian influence in the Middle East. The kingdom, despite Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri complicating Saudi efforts to curb the political and military power of Hezbollah, the country’s Shia militia,…

Trump Wants Peace with Erdogan – The Miltary Wants to Sabotage It

Trump Wants Peace with Erdogan – The Miltary Wants to Sabotage It

President Trump is attempting to calm down the U.S. conflict with Turkey. The military junta in the White House has different plans. It now attempts to circumvent the decision the president communicated to his Turkish counterpart. The result will be more Turkish-U.S. acrimony. Yesterday the Turkish foreign minister surprisingly announced a phone call President Trump…

US Enemy List: Prospects and Perspectives

US Enemy List: Prospects and Perspectives

Introduction For almost 2 decades, the US pursued a list of ‘enemy countries’ to confront, attack, weaken and overthrow. This imperial quest to overthrow ‘enemy countries’ operated at various levels of intensity, depending on two considerations: the level of priority and the degree of vulnerability for a ‘regime change’ operation. The criteria for determining an…