Thousands of Ransomware Cyberattacks Reported Worldwide

Thousands of Ransomware Cyberattacks Reported Worldwide

A ransomware virus is reported to be spreading aggressively around the globe, with over 50,000 computers having been targeted. The virus infects computer files and then demands money to unblock them. An increase in activity of the malware was noticed starting from 8am CET (07:00 GMT) Friday, security software company Avast reported, adding that it…

The Imperative of Replacing Google and Facebook

The Imperative of Replacing Google and Facebook

Nations are beginning to take more seriously the control of their respective information space after years of allowing US-based tech giants Google and Facebook to monopolize and exploit them. Vietnam, according to a recent GeekTime article, is the latest nation to begin encouraging local alternatives to the search engine and social media network in order…

The Age of Notifications and Attention-Deficits

The Age of Notifications and Attention-Deficits

I admit it. I am addicted to notifications. But really, who isn’t? Every single social media network’s growth and revenue depends on how frequently YOU check the screen. They hire neuroscientists and psychologists to understand our minds better so that the ‘Fear of Missing Out’ can be used to their advantage. Autoplay videos, disappearing stories,…

New Leak Exposes Shady World of ‘Stalkerware’ Surveillance Software

New Leak Exposes Shady World of ‘Stalkerware’ Surveillance Software

Monitoring software FlexiSPY, marketed at paranoid partners attempting to catch their other halves cheating, may have been provided to governments in countries including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain according to a new leak. Documents leaked to Motherboard, allegedly sourced from inside the organization, show the extent of FlexiSPY’s use and profitability. The controversial software, built…