The United States as the Primary Source of Terrorism

The United States as the Primary Source of Terrorism

In a fervor of cross-partisan struggle and in pursuit of a bombshell, the New York Times was forced to publish hundreds of secret Pentagon records on innocent civilians that died due to reckless airstrikes conducted by the US military in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. Flawed and handicapped US intelligence is a notion that the rest of…

The US Is Dangerously Flirting With The Afghan Scenario In Ethiopia

The US Is Dangerously Flirting With The Afghan Scenario In Ethiopia

Ethiopia might suspect that the US has ulterior motives in threatening an uninvited military intervention into the country on the pretext of evacuating its citizens who thus far don’t even want to leave because they still feel safe in the capital. CNN reported on Tuesday that “The US military has positioned US special operations forces…

Exposing the Terrorizing Intentions of the US’ Latest Anti-Ethiopian Fearmongering

Exposing the Terrorizing Intentions of the US’ Latest Anti-Ethiopian Fearmongering

To be clear, there’s no credible chance as of now that this fearmongering scenario will unfold, but it’s enough to point out that the US is basically telling its own people that their government’s TPLF terrorist allies might shoot them out of the sky if they don’t evacuate Ethiopia right away to realize how out…

A Reminder of Russia’s Skeptical Stance Towards Refugees in Light of Recent Events

A Reminder of Russia’s Skeptical Stance Towards Refugees in Light of Recent Events

Those who criticize Poland’s expression of state sovereignty in defending its borders from terrorist-connected migrant/refugee threats should in the interests of consistency also criticize Russia’s near-identical policy when it comes to preemptively defending itself from the same threats posed by Afghan ones. The True Roots Of The Latest Migrant Crisis The Eastern European Migrant Crisis…

Ethiopia Isn’t “Bombing Its Own People”

Ethiopia Isn’t “Bombing Its Own People”

Tigrayans are Ethiopians and they’re not being bombed. Only military sites run by the terrorist group that’s captured control of their eponymous region are being targeted. The Ethiopian Air Force has been bombing terrorist targets in the Tigray Region over the past week, prompting intense Western media criticism. Allegations are spreading that the military is…

The 2001 Anthrax Deception

The 2001 Anthrax Deception

If the notion that, ‘truth always lies 180 degrees opposite to the direction pointed by the corporate media’ is not yet a modern maxim, it should be. A useful corollary might be added to the effect that, ‘the depth to which an event is consigned to the establishment memory hole is inversely related to its…