Soviet Reparations to Poland

Soviet Reparations to Poland

The issue of Russian/Soviet reparations to Poland is driven much more by Warsaw’s grand strategic designs to revive its long-lost role as a Great Power than the historical justice that it claims is behind this cause. It’s a clever means for that aspiring regional leader to expand its envisaged influence at the expense of Russia…

Poland’s Hyping Up the German Threat to Central Europe to Consolidate Its Regional Influence

Poland’s Hyping Up the German Threat to Central Europe to Consolidate Its Regional Influence

By dragging down Germany and thus weakening its influence over Central & Eastern Europe simultaneously with empowering Poland’s rise as a Great Power over that same strategic space, the US hopes to play their EuroLiberal and EuroRealist blocs off against one another in order to perpetually divide and rule the EU. An unmistakable trend is…

Poland’s Planned Absorption of Millions of Ukrainian Refugees Has Ulterior Motives

Poland’s Planned Absorption of Millions of Ukrainian Refugees Has Ulterior Motives

Poland seems to have subtly shifted back to promoting Pilsudski’s Jagiellonian Concept of restoring the country’s historical ethnic and religious diversity in an attempt to make it a more regionally appealing pole of influence in Central & Eastern Europe. Polish Deputy Interior Minister Maciej Wasik said earlier this month that up to one million Ukrainian…

The Three Seas Initiative and Global Britain

The Three Seas Initiative and Global Britain

In September 2021, the chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Poland published a report entitled “Three Seas Initiative and the Opportunities for Global Britain”. He and the report’s three coauthors are British citizens of Polish descent who lobby for cooperation between the two countries. The group’s chair, MP Daniel Kawczynski, is a rather colourful…

The US-German Hybrid War Against Poland Is Intensifying

The US-German Hybrid War Against Poland Is Intensifying

Poland has come under intensified Hybrid War attack by the US and Germany after its hoped-for Baltic Pipe’s construction has been delayed by their Danish ally, the influential Washington Post published a scathing editorial imploring American decision makers to push back against Poland’s plans to regain control of a US-owned anti-government broadcaster, and it became…

The West Is Pressuring Poland & Russia Due to Their Conservative-Nationalist Values

The West Is Pressuring Poland & Russia Due to Their Conservative-Nationalist Values

Historical rivals Poland and Russia have curiously found themselves in the same position vis-a-vis the West after Warsaw recently came under intense Western Hybrid War pressure due to its conservative-nationalist values, which are actually the real driving force behind the similar Western campaign against Moscow too. The West’s Ideological Aggression Against Poland Poland and Russia…