Trump, the Crown Prince and the Whole Ugly Big Picture

Trump, the Crown Prince and the Whole Ugly Big Picture

There are few countries on earth more oppressive than Saudi Arabia, an absolute monarchy shaped by Sunni theocracy. It stones adulterers and hurls gay men off buildings by judicial decision. The State Department routinely, matter of factly, reports widespread human rights abuses in the country. International human rights organizations use Saudi Arabia as the poster…

Neocon Takeover of Washington Completed

Neocon Takeover of Washington Completed

Pompeo at State and Bolton as Trump’s national security advisor completed the neocon takeover of Trump’s geopolitical agenda – Wall Street running domestic affairs. The combination represents a major setback for world peace and stability, greater aggression likely, along with the triumph of neoliberal harshness over social justice – a dismal and frightening state of…

John Bolton’s Return: The Neocons Have Taken Over the Asylum

John Bolton’s Return: The Neocons Have Taken Over the Asylum

With John Bolton’s appointment as Trump’s new national security adviser, the circle closes on any remaining hope of the 45th President of the United States embarking on a different course from every other president that has preceded him in the Oval Office in recent years, when it comes to foreign policy. A devoted disciple of the…