Trump’s Art of the Cheat

Trump’s Art of the Cheat

Donald Trump officially became the 45th US president exactly a year ago this weekend following his inauguration ceremony. During his inaugural address, he promised to “make America great again” and to give power back to the ordinary “forgotten people” of his country. One year on, however, it seems clear that the American people have been…

Trump’s Escalating Threats to Iran Risk Destabilising the Middle East

Trump’s Escalating Threats to Iran Risk Destabilising the Middle East

The US-Iran confrontation is already destabilising parts of the Middle East that were starting to settle down after the defeat of Isis in the second half of last year. “The escalating American threats against Iran mean that the Iranians will be more vigorous in safeguarding their position in Iraq and Syria,” said a former Iraqi…

Trump’s Racism in Context

Trump’s Racism in Context

Representative Maxine Waters, who last year referred to Crimea as ‘Korea’, continues to appear on news programs, topping her accusation that Donald Trump is a racist by pointing out his good relations with Vladimir Putin. More importantly, it has taken five months from the time Nazis held a torchlight parade in Charlottesville, Virginia in protests…

Tweeting While Rome Burns: The World According to Trump

Tweeting While Rome Burns: The World According to Trump

As 2017 ended with billionaires toasting their tax cuts and energy executives cheering their unfettered access to federal lands as well as coastal waters, there was one sector of the American elite that did not share in the champagne celebration: Washington’s corps of foreign policy experts. Across the political spectrum, many of them felt a…