Trump is Toast

Trump is Toast

There is considerable irony in the fact that Donald Trump when president virtually crawled to do Israel’s bidding more than any of his predecessors. He moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he accepted brutal Israeli settlement and control of the Palestinian West Bank, approved of the Israeli annexation of the Syrian Golan…

More Anti-Semitism?

More Anti-Semitism?

A midterm national election will be taking place in the United States in two weeks. American voters will, at least to a certain extent, be expressing their approval or disapproval on major issues like management of the economy and immigration, though they will curiously have no one to vote for if they are appalled by…

The Convenient Chimera of America’s ‘New Civil War’

The Convenient Chimera of America’s ‘New Civil War’

There is no imminent “civil war” coming to the United States between Republicans and Democrats. There is only one war that has been going on for many years: class war. There’s a lot of fearful talk about the United States descending into a “new civil war” especially as highly fraught mid-term elections approach. Commentators who…

Don’t be Fooled by the ‘Noble Lie’ We Live in a Democratic West

Don’t be Fooled by the ‘Noble Lie’ We Live in a Democratic West

Interviews with Volodymr Zelenskiy, Keir Starmer and Sam Harris strip away the illusion that we control our political system rather than it controls us As westerners, we are deeply attached to the idea not only that we live in democracies but that our way of life is economically, socially and morally superior to that of…