Turkey Begins Offensive on Kurdish-Held Syrian Territory

Turkey Begins Offensive on Kurdish-Held Syrian Territory

Turkey’s assault on Kurdish-held northeastern Syria began on Wednesday, as air strikes and artillery pounded areas along the Syrian-Turkish border. Ankara’s defence ministry also announced the start of a ground offensive east of the Euphrates later on Wednesday. The bombardment left two people dead and wounded two others in Mishrafa, local journalist Roj Mussa told Middle East…

Worried for Kurds in Syria, Abandoned by US? Solution That will Washington Hawks MAD

Worried for Kurds in Syria, Abandoned by US? Solution That will Washington Hawks MAD

US President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out US troops from northern Syria has been met with bipartisan outrage, calling it a “betrayal” of the Kurds. Wait till the regime-changers hear the obvious solution to keep them safe. As some two dozen US troops stationed in northwestern Syria began to withdraw on Monday, reports began…

Between Washington’s Rock & Ankara’s Hard Place, Kurds had Better Choose Damascus

Between Washington’s Rock & Ankara’s Hard Place, Kurds had Better Choose Damascus

Being half an Irishman myself I feel entitled to refer to the probably apocryphal answer given by an Irishman asked by a lost, weary, traveler for directions to Dublin. “Oh, well now, I wouldn’t have started from here.” Turkey went from a foreign policy of “no quarrels with the neighbours” to near war with Iraq…