EU Is Showing Its ‘Cracks’ Already as Boris Now Shows It the Whip on Trade Deal

EU Is Showing Its ‘Cracks’ Already as Boris Now Shows It the Whip on Trade Deal

The delusional views of diehard federalists in Brussels are probably going to be responsible for the EU itself falling on its own sword. When BBC pro-EU journalists have to admit the reality, Brussels should take heed and get rid of Guy Verhofstadt. The last time anything quite so sensational happened in the EU, was on…

Paradise Islands and Britain’s Human Rights Hypocrisy

Paradise Islands and Britain’s Human Rights Hypocrisy

As the Middle East lurches to deeper chaos, thanks to Washington’s drone-strike assassination in Iraq of Iranian and Iraqi citizens, and the world braces for reprisals, the light has shifted from the countless millions of other people deserving attention and compassion. Human rights continue to be abused in many regions in spite of efforts by…

From Colluding With Hitler Against the USSR to an Anti-Hitler Coalition

From Colluding With Hitler Against the USSR to an Anti-Hitler Coalition

“That the Russian armies should stand on this line was clearly necessary for the safety of Russia” On the eve of the Second World War, 21 August 1939, Soviet–Anglo–Franco negotiations in Moscow on a military convention were cut short due to the unwillingness of London (then Paris, following in its wake) “to enter into any…