The End Is Nigh

The End Is Nigh

Recently, US Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin stated, “If China doesn’t follow these sanctions [against North Korea], we will put additional sanctions on them and prevent them from accessing the US and international dollar system.” By this, he meant that the US would shut China out of the SWIFT system, through which the great…

America Fears China’s Geo-Political Power More Than China’s Economic Might

America Fears China’s Geo-Political Power More Than China’s Economic Might

The Bannonite wing of the new American right is angry about China. The anger stems primarily from the fact that China’s manufacturing has outpaced that of the US and economies similar to that of the US, which in turn has arguably been a cause of US industrial decline. Steve Bannon recently gave a speech in…

Venezuela Stops Accepting Dollars For Oil Payments

Venezuela Stops Accepting Dollars For Oil Payments

Did the doomsday clock on the petrodollar (and implicitly US hegemony) just tick one more minute closer to midnight? Apparently confirming what President Maduro had warned following the recent US sanctions, The Wall Street Journal reports that Venezuela has officially stopped accepting US Dollars as payment for its crude oil exports. As we previously noted,…

Venezuela Is About to Ditch the Dollar in Major Blow to US: Here’s Why It Matters

Venezuela Is About to Ditch the Dollar in Major Blow to US: Here’s Why It Matters

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Thursday that Venezuela will be looking to “free” itself from the U.S. dollar next week, Reuters reports. According to the outlet, Maduro will look to use the weakest of two official foreign exchange regimes (essentially the way Venezuela will manage its currency in relation to other currencies and the foreign exchange market), along…