The Camp of the Saints

The Camp of the Saints

The liberal/progressives, lost as they are in their emotionalism, do not realize that their rantings about white supremacists are also discrediting themselves and not merely their foes. The rest of the world doesn’t differentiate between good whites and bad whites. As one reader who wrote to me from India said, “All whites are guilty.” That…

“Armageddon Risk” Returns: North Korea Predicts “Catastrophe” as Massive U.S. War Games Begin Monday

“Armageddon Risk” Returns: North Korea Predicts “Catastrophe” as Massive U.S. War Games Begin Monday

Traders barely had time to enjoy the lull from the “Armageddon trade” – the rising possibility of a nuclear exchange between the US and North Korea, which peaked over the weekend when various US officials said a nuclear war is not imminent, echoed by a statement by N. Korea’s state-run news agency KCNA, before a…

A New Romeo and a Jealous Lover?: Philippine-Indian Attitudes Towards Russia

A New Romeo and a Jealous Lover?: Philippine-Indian Attitudes Towards Russia

The Pew Research Center released its latest data concerning how over 30 different countries view Russia and President Putin, and contained within this information is the curiously emerging trend of how Philippine society is drawing closer to Russia at the same time as the Indian one is moving away from it. The state-to-state relationship between…