Holier-Than-Thou: How US Mainstream Media Rebuke Foreign Leaders

Holier-Than-Thou: How US Mainstream Media Rebuke Foreign Leaders

In the week of World Press Freedom Day the New York Times carried one of its holier-than-thou and unintentionally ironical editorials, this time titled «Donald Trump Embraces Another Despot». Seeing the headline, the world could be forgiven for asking which one it might be, this time, and eventually the Editorial Board revealed the target of their displeasure to be President Duterte…

Syria – “The regime will be There” – U.S. Concedes Raqqa … and the Syrian East?

Syria – “The regime will be There” – U.S. Concedes Raqqa … and the Syrian East?

There are strong rumors that the U.S. intends to launch an invasion of east-Syria from Jordan with the aim of occupying the whole eastern area. The Syrian army and its allies launched a move towards the east (red) to prevent such an outcome. A new Wall Street Journal piece, primarily about the ISIS held city…

Are You Ready to Die?

Are You Ready to Die?

“Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing: If a fight is inevitable, you must strike first.” Vladimir Putin In George Orwell’s 1949 dystopian novel, 1984, information that no longer is consistent with Big Brother’s explanations is chucked down the Memory Hole. In the real American dystopia in which we currently live,…

The Mysterious Disappearance of a Nuclear Sub: Why They Called the USS Scorpion “Scrapiron”

The Mysterious Disappearance of a Nuclear Sub: Why They Called the USS Scorpion “Scrapiron”

Based on newly declassified information and existing evidence, a former CIA intelligence officer theorizes on how we lost the submarine Scorpion and why many of her crew came to call her the USS Scrapiron. At around midnight on 16 May 1968, the USS Scorpion (SSN-589) slipped quietly through the Strait of Gibraltar and paused just…