The Room Where It Didn’t Happen: Inside John Bolton’s Brain

The Room Where It Didn’t Happen: Inside John Bolton’s Brain

When President Donald Trump belatedly but wisely fired John Bolton as his National Security Adviser in September 2019, I wrote in these columns that Bolton relinquished power with all the grace of a cockroach. Now, as I also predicted, he has published his memoirs turning on his benefactor with all the loyalty and gratitude of…

How the Media Used the Bounty Scandal to Stop the ‘Threat’ of Peace in Afghanistan

How the Media Used the Bounty Scandal to Stop the ‘Threat’ of Peace in Afghanistan

This is not a column defending Donald Trump. Across my career, I have said more positive words about the scolex family of intestinal tapeworms than I have said about Donald Trump. (Scolex have been shown to read more.) No, this is a column about context. When The New York Times reports anonymous sources from the…

Barbarism Begins at Home

Barbarism Begins at Home

Greece invented the concept of barbaros. Imperial Rome inherited it as barbarus. The original meaning of barbaros is rooted in language: an onomatopoeia meaning “unintelligible speech” as people go “bar bar bar” when they talk. Homer does not refer to barbaros, but to barbarophonos (“of unintelligible speech”), as in those who don’t speak Greek or…

Seriously, Get The Hell Out Of Afghanistan

Seriously, Get The Hell Out Of Afghanistan

With overwhelming bipartisan support, the House Armed Services Committee has added a Liz Cheney-spearheaded amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which throws severe roadblocks in the Trump administration’s proposed scale-down of US military presence in Afghanistan and Germany. As The Intercept‘s Glenn Greenwald notes, both parties advancing the amendment cited in their arguments the…

Russia Did It Again – Chasing the Bounty Hunters

Russia Did It Again – Chasing the Bounty Hunters

Russia did it again. This time Moscow is accused of “paying to kill Americans”. How criminal! Such things only Americans would do – Washington, the Pentagon, CIA…. Because killing and have killed is in their mindset and bloodstream. That’s what criminals do: They project their own crimes onto others. The latest NYT reporting is, “It’s…